Our goal is to create a vibrant and engaging Downtown Waterfront District in America’s Hometown.
Light the Night

The Downtown Waterfront District (DWD) proudly hosted a holiday light celebration in Brewster Gardens, December 3-31st, 2022.
This was a free event for the public to enjoy. Our holiday season with a trail of lights will be back in 2023!
If interested in sponsoring in 2023, please email [email protected]

Around town
Welcome to Plymouth!
This big blue chair is located in Shirley Square and a great photo opportunity for visitors and locals! Pictured are the founding members of the Plymouth DWD; Katy Thayer, UVA Wine Bar, Christine de la Torre, Sprezzatura Boutique and Andrew Rivera-Myers, Artisan Pig.
Getting around town
Plymouth is easy to navigate around on foot! With options like Park & Stroll, our Circuit Hitch a Ride or Ride Share with Lyft and Uber we can safely say you and your family/friends won’t have a problem walking around town, or finding a ride if your feet get tired!
Let’s Rediscover America’s Hometown together
To be a part of our mission, sponsor an event, or learn more – please send us a message!